Something to Blog About.....

Over the hill, on the downhill side, Gaining speed and enjoying the ride!


My Topsy Turvy Life!

My life has been so topsy turvy I have not had time to even think of blogging! We have had my office all set-up in the living room while we re-painted, re-finished the hardwood floors in my office and while Phil is making me a new desk, while he refinished the hardwood floor in HIS new office, while he prepared his parent's home for sale, while we spent seven days away in Wichita, while taking care of the grandkids while trying to actually keep up with our work, while taking four teenagers to Santa Fe for four days, among other distraction. I am quite anxious to get back to normal! But normal doesn't look to close in the future. I will try and put some highlights of February on the blog. Here goes:

This past week we drove to Wichita to take care of our twin grandbabies while their parents left town to speak at a conference. We had a wonderful time with them even though they truly wore us out - ahem - wore Gumpa out! He sustained his first "geriatric sports injury", a slight muscle pull in his back while "swinging" and I don't mean the "adult kind!" He was a trooper though. Every now and then, just out of the blue, Hannah would say, "I love you, Gumpa!" The weather was horrid and cold, in the thirties with a windchill of around 18 degrees sandwiched by two beautiful days when we were able to go to the park. The last day it warmed up and I bundled them up as tight as I could to keep them warm. As fate would have it, it was so warm Hannah was soon running around barefoot and they both ended up with sunburned faces!! Sunscreen was the furthest thing from my mind.


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