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Over the hill, on the downhill side, Gaining speed and enjoying the ride!


Relay for Life/Tobacco Free For Life

One more major event in February was the Relay for Life in which my girl's coalition from Texico was highly involved in. It takes place in the Greyhound Arena and it's just for youth. It's a great event! Their message emphasized the fact that thirty percent of all cancer is tobacco related. They made posters to put up around the arena and planned and served a free brisket meal for all the survivors and their families. This event began with in January when they sponsored an all school talent show, "Talent for Life, Tobacco Free for Life". We purchased t-shirts with a tobacco prevention message on it and each of the 80 participants received one. Two of the grades in the grade school entered a performance as the whole grade. The kindergardners did a dance routine and the 5th PE classes did a basketball routine to music, thus eighty participants. The Relay for Life theme this year was "Strike Out Cancer" - thus we got the baseball t-shirts for them to wear.
Our local Relay for Life activity was kicked-off on Great American Smokeout Day in November. We set up a table of smoking cessation materials and other tobacco related materials. We had two former smokers give their testimonies at the event.


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