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Over the hill, on the downhill side, Gaining speed and enjoying the ride!


"Just 'cuz it's there"

One of the sessions I teach in DWI school is one entitled, "Why Do I Drink?" The session begins with the class members contributing reasons why people drink while I list them on the board. (Of course, all the while I'm thinking, the real reason most of these people drink is because they have a whole in their heart only God can fill). Anyway one time I got this response from a student, "Just 'cuz its there." My inward reaction was "now that's really a stupid reason." Then I began to think of how often I put food (empty calorie type) in my mouth not because I'm hungry or even because I crave that particular food but for the mere reason, "it's there!" One good example is when showing up to some morning event after having a perfectly satisfying breakfast and then eating an available donut "just 'cuz it's there." That's why I don't keep ice cream in my frig....... (well, normally I don't but right now I have some butter pecan because I served some to my guests Sunday night on yellow cake with chocholate fudge frosting, if you must know.) Now I have the "just cuz it's there" urges to eat ice cream to contend with!

What has this got to do with anything? I was just sniching some bites of "just 'cuz it's there ice cream" moments ago and the thought occurred to me that we so very often fill our minds with "just 'cuz it's there" empty calories too, as in watching some not so uplifting show on t.v. "just 'cuz it's there". Unfortunately, the "just cuz it's there" stuff -food or entertainment fills us up leaving us little room to crave the real good stuff that's there too, when we seek it out. Just like we have a God given physical hunger, we have a spiritual hunger only God can truly fill. Furthermore, we only have so much time and space in a day to take in mental and spirtual calories. Sometime, when I'm trying to take off a few pounds, I can be overly conscience of every bite I put in my mouth. It would sure be good to be able to become that aware of how many empty mental and spiritual calories I allow in my mind and spirit. I want to be aware of how many "just 'cuz it's there" stuff I am consuming that crowd out the real meal!


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