Something to Blog About.....

Over the hill, on the downhill side, Gaining speed and enjoying the ride!


A Blessing in the Storm

This morning "The boss" and I reported to the Salvation Army at 6:30 a.m. along with others from our congregation to hand out breakfast burritos (delicious ones) fresh fruit (beautiful fruit) and bottled water (ok bottled water is bottled water despite what the ads say!) to workers and citizens cleaning up and recovering from the aftermath of the storm. What a wonderful "high" it is to see the appreciative faces as we handed out the food! The utility workers came from everywhere to enjoy the burritos! One elderly lady, who still did not have electricity, when asked how she was doing was so cheerful and said, "Oh, I'm just fine! I've got a camp stove and everyone has been so nice! If you're going to have a tornado, this is a great place to do it!"

The 5th wheel in the above photo was parked next to the green gate in the two below photos. The mangled sheet metal beyond the gate is what's left of a neighbor's hay barn. Notice, in the below pictures, the 5th wheel across the road on the right.



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