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Empty Nesting???

Another Mothers' Day rolls around and it finds me up to my nose in upgrading my "nest" - something most Fathers just don't "GET". Thankfully, they go along with it anyway every now and then. I am blessed that "Father" is willfully going along and working very hard to support my desire to upgrade the nest. Nesting is a significant part of mothering. There are few moms who don't have serious feelings about their nest and how it reflects on them; probably not unlike how a man's status on the job reflects on him.

Mothers' Day during this season on my life finds me not concerned about whether or not my children remember this day with cards and flowers but pondering the blessings I have in three children of godly character, hard work ethics and well established in the role they are playing in this world. Their lives bless me beyond words! Meanwhile, as I upgrade the nest layer upon layer (as an interior decorator would describe it) I am continually reminded that even though my children have left the nest, they are contributing a significant part in this process.

First off is the first layer, and my "First born". It was she (along with my last born) who nudged me to pursue tearing out the wall between my kitchen and great room - something I've always wanted to do but needed the push. Her talent for "putting things together", seeing color posibilities and creating something beautiful out of junk never ceases to amaze me! Which brings me to a "pondering" that came out of somewhere: Aren't "artists" and "trendsetters" those who have the courage and ability to "color outside the lines"? She also has the guts, brawn and brain to try just about anything. When three electricians said our electrical plans either were just too much to do or extremely costly, she visualized how it could be done easily and sure enough it could and was! She saw great possibility in the original paint color, which was mixed incorrectly and I was ready to scrap. Each time I look at it in the future and enjoy the warm and unique affect, I will remember how she liked it from the start and made me consider something that was out of the question until that moment. So you see, her mark on the current upgrading of this nest is quite significant.

The second layer comes with my second born: Anyone reading this is probably family or friends and knows well the artistic talents of my second born. Everywhere I look I see sculptures and furniture he has made for our home. When he was six he made me a "coffee table". You can imagine the fine craftsmanship it must have displayed! The coffee table I now have iS a work of art. A local doctor had commissioned him to make it. While he was initially working on it I went into the garage to see how it was coming along. It looked rather funky at that point and I made a comment indicating something not exactly complementary. "You just wait", was his response. When it was finished he set it in the living room "temporarily". I told him, "this table is NOT leaving this house!" I just love it! I am truly lucky that he has shared the fruits of his giftedness with me!

My last born equally has an eye for color and style that her sister does. One of my favorite rooms in the the house IS her bedroom which she painted red and redecorated before she left home. While she hasn't been able to contribute to this project since she is much too far away, last year she did some great rearranging for me on one of my "special places". I am really looking forward to see what she will do with her new home. She didn't learn how to always color in the lines either. (Maybe I should have sent them to kindergarden..) She did some unique things with old window frames in her apartment. Meanwhile, we shall enjoy the "ambiance" of the lovely music she has recorded for us; a layer even interior decorators don't think of.

And speaking on layers and "ambiance", does having a hen seducing a cookie jar on one's kitchen counter count?

Finally, on Mothers Day, I would want to honor my Mother-in-law who has truly contributed to the decor of my house. Her beautiful pastel paintings are such a treasure to me and SO IS SHE!!! She is truly a blessing to me!!
Happy Mother's Day, Mom!

They say your home should be an expression of you and be a place where you surround yourself with things you love.... and I might add, the people you love!


  • At 9:21 PM, Blogger Meli n Pat said…

    Happy Mother's Day Mom!!
    To celebrate, Melissa and I went out to eat and thought about you!! I'm glad you still like your coffee table. I'm also glad you didn't send me to kindergarten. Recently I was telling Melissa that You read to me very often when I was young and it has helped my grammar and sentence structure immensely.
    I love you,

  • At 3:03 PM, Blogger Jana said…

    I can't remember what "special place" I rearranged....refresh my memory! :)



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