Something to Blog About.....

Over the hill, on the downhill side, Gaining speed and enjoying the ride!


Little Cabin in the Woods...

We meet the most interesting people on our trips! This time we met some "new friends" from Alabama who own a cabin up the creek (26 miles and about two thousand feet in altitude) from us. It was a lovely one hour windy trip. On their property is two small lakes teaming with huge brook trout.

They invited us to come up and fish!! We made two trips up there. The first I took some chocholate zucchini cake and we had cake and tea after Lowell and Phil brought in five huge brookies they caught in about 30 minutes!

The second trip Tim and Sabrina went with us. Lowell smoked some trout and we added baked potatoe fries, crusty rolls, tangy oriental cabbage salad. (I brought this salad which is my recipe in which I use top ramen. I accidently added more vinegar than it calls for and it actually fit really well with the fish!!)

The views from the cabin are just spectular! Unless, ofcourse you live in Alaska...and then they are probably "ho hum!" The altitude is 10,500'.


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