Something to Blog About.....

Over the hill, on the downhill side, Gaining speed and enjoying the ride!


Black Friday

This morning I had my first experience at early morning shopping on Black Friday! I was interested in purchasing a laptop computer at Radio Shack so I decided last night IF I WOKE UP in time (that would be five o'clock) and IF I felt like it, I'd try my luck. I didn't set my alarm because I nearly always wake up by then and frequently get up. Sure enough, I woke up at 4:55 a.m. The weather man predicted very cold weather which didn't make it too appealing but after downing a bowl of oatmeal topped with sliced almonds, I headed into town.

When I drove up to the mall and saw all the cars I told myself I was sure this would be my last time to do this! I got to Radio Shack five minutes before opening and got in line behind about twenty people. "This was a waste!" I mumbled. Had I of known they only had four of the the marked down notebooks (one being the display model) I REALLY would have been disgusted I suckered into the early morning expedition!! But very soon I had the Gateway notebook under my arm and a few other very nice bargains!

Perhaps I would have to add this to my bargain hunting "repertoire" after all", I thought to myself as I waited in line to check out. It is a pretty great feeling to save a couple hundred dollars. I have always loved a bargain and like many bargain hunters I have a "history". The Boss says I can make a dollar go farther than anyone he had ever seen. He says that when he wants to complement me. When I don't go along when he wants to splurge he has another not so complementary remark for me. It has something to do with being tighter than the south end of a north facing buffalo during fly season! I got my bargain hunting prowess from my mother. Her claim to fame was Christmas shopping in January. Back in those days NOTHING went on sale until after Christmas. She would find huge bargains and put things away for the following year. I've tried that but I get worried that the items will be out of style or outgrown by then. (I'm bad enough at picking presents! And I stress about it incessantly!)

I guess MY version of bargains - other than clearance racks began with garage sales, something that didn't exist before say, the seventies. I could feel my juices running as I hit the road. Trouble is, I'd often find GREAT buys on quality items I just didn't need and would buy anyway!

My next purchasing phase was refunding. Boy, I was just sure I was going to save my family thousands. That was in the late seventies. Then I got pregnant and just the thought of a refund coupon and I would gag!

A few decades later and eBay came along. Oh, I could have gotten addicted at that! I made some good purchases and some stupid ones, too. Mostly good I'd say.

A non-shopper would say getting excited about shopping and finding a bargain has no sense at all. I think it is similar to a man getting excited about hunting and bringing home game. There is the practical side and there is the satisfaction and enjoyment of the "hunt" and "kill!"

So I have a lovely notebook. It is really beautiful - red - the same red that my purse, wallet and cellphone are. That has to be a sign! What a bargain! It was worth getting out of the warm bed, scraping frost off my windshield AS I DROVE in the 36 degree cold and standing in line....... THEN I got home. I went online to get a bit more information about its value and compare it with a Dell. I discovered I could have bought it online for the same price!! Well, not exactly...I could have saved $7.00 because the tax wouldn't been as much, even considering the shipping!! AND I could have ordered it in my PJ's!!!

Oh, and one last thing...... It had a rebate for $100.00. Cool, huh? I've used rebates enough to know the pitfalls and loop holes! Read them VERY carefully, following the ridiculous rules to a "T", like "print your name in all caps". I make a copy of everything and carefully watch to make sure I receive the rebate. But NOW they have a NEW twist to the refundle bundle of schemes the store thinks up to keep their money. Here it is: Well, it's not REALLY a REBATE (a check I can cash)....It's a prepaid Mastercard which can "only be used between certain dates". So it expires, must be SPENT, not deposited and "may not be valid in all market." Surprise! Surprise!

I still really LOVE the notebook! I got a great deal and I'm glad I tried out the Black Friday. I think it might become part of my repertoire afterall but I'm for sure not going to be like those people who line up outside around a building and stand there all night! That's just insane!


  • At 9:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Love it! We were up at 3 a.m., out by 3:30 a.m. and at Pennys before they opened. From there, Wal-Mart for Jo's camera and back to the mall. Jo saved over $60 on her camera but she's still not sure if it was worth the loss of sleep and fighting the crowds. Patricia

  • At 5:00 PM, Blogger Meli n Pat said…

    36 degrees, cry me a river!! it warmed up to 35 today and we were upset because the snow was melting. I hate the mental picture I get when you use "36 degrees" and "in my pj's" in the same paragraph!!
    By the way, thank you for involving me in your Black Friday shopping spree!! When you called at 6:45 am your time it was 4:45 my time. So, I will probably call you at 9:00 pm just before bed time to talk about it. Love, Pat

  • At 4:39 PM, Blogger rednanasteph's place said…

    When did you guys get a Target???? in Clovis, or were you in Lubbock


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