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"Just My Size" ........Out of the Mouth of Babes!

Recently, my grandson described the bathroom at the church where he attends Awana's (Cubbies) as SWEET!!! The whole dialogue was hilarious and I have repeated it to my friends for another great laugh numerous times. (; November 19th, "Hud's So Funny") On Sunday I was sitting in my pew and observing children all around coming into the sanctuary when the Lord gave me a revalation concerning Hud's comment. I don't know if I can effectively describe it but I will try. Sometimes "words from the Lord" speak to you in a way you can't articulate.

Anyway, I will be forever perplexed by the fact that the "church" in general doesn't "get it", that the most effective evangelism (by a landslide) is to children. Yes, we say we "get it" but we don't. Philip Morris gets it. McDonalds gets it. Everyone gets it but the church. Perhaps churchs are "getting it" more than they did when I was a child. Back then, with the exception of a Sunday school class, church catered to adults in every way, the music, the sermons, everyway. And woe to a child who didn't perservieve quietly. Children's church was unheard of in those days. We were given a pad and pencil and something to entertain ourselves until it was over. Granted, despite the inappropriate way it was dished out to us, we STILL got a lot out of it. I think it was in the shere power of the fact that our parents were so intently engaged.

Our Sunday school classes were nearly always painted beige or "mushroom" and decorated with an old picture of Jesus knocking at the door or "Jesus and the Children." That was about it. There was a chest of drawers or bookshelf in the corner (usually pretty dilapated) where are Sunday school material were stacked. Below was stacks and stacks of unused take home papers. Oh, yes, we always had a cigar box full of old OLD broken crayons and dull kid sissors.

Hudson's comment reminded me just how profound "making a place for children" has the potential of influencing them and in such basic ways. I would have never thought of anything so basic. I am usually way too practical about stuff. I remember years ago when directing a VBS mentioning to Phil I didn't even want to mess with crafts. What spiritual significance do they really have, anyway?" I asked. "And the cost and fuss.." Phil's response hit me between the eyes, "That's what I remember and liked the most at VBS!" translated:"How mean can you be?"

Hudson's remark reminded me of how we should be "seeing things through the eyes of a child" if we truly want to be effective in evangelism. If the church would "wake up" and "get it", they would be catering to children all over the place. They would be spending less of all the stuff that caters to grown ups.

(photo is not a recent one)


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