Something to Blog About.....

Over the hill, on the downhill side, Gaining speed and enjoying the ride!


Happy Tornadoes!

This brand new fifth wheel was picked up, turned up-side-down and dropped on top of the little white car across the street on Mabry Drive, a main highway through Clovis.
There was a couple in the car when it happened for fortunately they were not hurt!

Last night thirteen tornadoes visited New Mexico, mostly on our east side! We had plenty of warning as we knew about an hour ahead of time one was working it's way northward straight toward Clovis. Our house is square and well built. In the center is a furnace room/broom closet/deep freezer room. In the floor is a trap door with a crawl space underneath the house. It is a perfect place for such occasions. We hunkered down there as it moved straight up the highway one half mile east of us and pretty much made a huge mess. It made created significant havoc at random spots as it moved on through town. The worst damage was done right on the highway by our house! We are thankful our place was completely untouched. It didn't even blow stuff around or away (rats!). These pictures really don't do it all justice. There were trailer houses and some buildings (35) demolished. We just did not see them. We went driving around today and the traffic was bumper to bumper with onlookers. Probably not smart. The overpasses to our part of town were all blocked off and we were not allowed to return home over them. We had to go "around Robin Hood's barn" to get home!

We are truly thankful for having a generator! Actually, we have two. One is being used by our great neighbors. It is amazing how quickly you find out how modern conveniences are taken for granted. Since our well has a pump, we cannot run water without electricity and our generator does not work there. We may have to wait a day or so for electricity. FORTUNATELY, THE GENERATOR WORKS ON COMPUTERS AND T.V.!!! If not, that would be a real disaster! Our camp stove is working well and we could always get into the 5th wheel. All this back-up and the reminder of how inconvenience cramps one's style, makes me suddenly more awakened to what people who REALLY go through disaster must deal with! Values suddenly change drastically. I am so thankful for God's protection! Sixteen were injured in the tornado, one critically.

The rest of these photos were taken within 1/2-1 mile of our house, on the highway.


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