Something to Blog About.....

Over the hill, on the downhill side, Gaining speed and enjoying the ride!


My TWO Moms!

From a hen seducing a cookie jar on the kitchen counter to a politically correct lesbian poultry love affair, we are having our version of "Sex in the Country!"

These two hens laid eggs on the same nest - as hens frequently do - but when it was time to "go broody" (Jana, please explain to Josh), they both insisted it was their eggs so they BOTH sat on the eggs and incubated them for 21 days! Out of nine eggs, only three hatched but the chicks claim them both as moms and follow them everywhere. The two hens and three chicks are always together. This morning Sophie (gentle German shepherd) accidentally got between one of the hens and the chicks and boy, howdy, both hens REALLY got after her! You think getting between ONE animal momma and her babies is bad news.....try a couple of angry lesbians mommas!!!

Hopefully, I can get a better photo when I can coax them out of the shade. It's HOT!

And you thought we country folk were behind the times!!
Well, this is about as close to political correctness I care to get.
For the record, I'm SICK of hearing about the new movie, "Sluts er ah Sex in the City!"


  • At 10:33 PM, Blogger Jana said…

    Correction: Just because they love the same chick doesn't mean they love eachother! Right? Until I see pictures to prove it, I don't believe they are gay! :)


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