Something to Blog About.....

Over the hill, on the downhill side, Gaining speed and enjoying the ride!


This book SHOULD "rock your world"

.....if it doesn't, something is frightfully wrong! I am about two thirds through and it has really "rocked mine"! Now, here is the disclaimer: Phil says "EVERYTHING I read "rocks my world." Not so: "The Shack" didn't, not after I found out it was all fiction.

I strongly urge anyone reading this blog to read this book. It MAY fly in the face of your theology but "oh, well". It is worth the investigation. (65 out of 76 critiques on Amazon rated it a five star. One of the three "one stars" was an atheist).

Is your life focused on the "here and now" and eternity seems dim and far away, READ THIS BOOK! John Bevere makes it a very tangible and eminant reality! Do you think going to heaven by "just making it inside the gate" is enough for you? READ THIS BOOK! You may change your opinion. Do you think you have eternal security while you are justifying habitual sin? You may be in for a more than rude awakening. READ THIS BOOK with your Bible in hand. Is developing an intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus not really something that gets you motivated to spend time in prayer and Bible study? Reading this book should help to motivate you. Are you selfish with your time and resources? Is it "all about you?" In Matthew the 25th chapter Jesus said to people who did all kinds of spiritual things and THOUGHT they were "IN" "Depart from me, I never knew you!" (And they were "toast") Do you seldom remember that those you rub shoulders with on a daily basis will spend eternity somewhere and may ask you in that time why you didn't tell them? Driven By Eternity gives real, bone chilling, hair raising accounts of eternal damnation but it also addresses eternal judgement and rewards for the saved.

A large part of the book is an allegory so if you are into "Lord of the Rings" kind of stuff, you will like it. I'm not, and the allegory is a little too easy to interpret and cheesy BUT get beyond that and be prepared to "hold on!". Read with your Bible in hand and be prepared to be sobered and infused with much GREATER passion to walk in the Light and serve the Lord!



Tonight we went to see "Fireproof". It is a great movie. While it started out a little cheesy in the acting, once you get beyond that it will suck you in. The situations are very realistic and there are specific lines that are major zingers.
Scenes at the end are powerful and well done. Take kleenix and go see it bit don't go without your spouse! The gospel message is clearly portrayed and it could be a great tool to recommend to friends.


Little Cabin in the Woods...

We meet the most interesting people on our trips! This time we met some "new friends" from Alabama who own a cabin up the creek (26 miles and about two thousand feet in altitude) from us. It was a lovely one hour windy trip. On their property is two small lakes teaming with huge brook trout.

They invited us to come up and fish!! We made two trips up there. The first I took some chocholate zucchini cake and we had cake and tea after Lowell and Phil brought in five huge brookies they caught in about 30 minutes!

The second trip Tim and Sabrina went with us. Lowell smoked some trout and we added baked potatoe fries, crusty rolls, tangy oriental cabbage salad. (I brought this salad which is my recipe in which I use top ramen. I accidently added more vinegar than it calls for and it actually fit really well with the fish!!)

The views from the cabin are just spectular! Unless, ofcourse you live in Alaska...and then they are probably "ho hum!" The altitude is 10,500'.

Down by the Creek Bank

Here is the first of several entries I want to make about our delightful vacation in south central Colorado. We parked our fifth wheel back up to the creek and there we stayed for two weeks. Wonderful!

Unfortunately we are not wealthy enough to park it with all those others in what I call "Refugee Camps for the Rich and Retired!" Actually, what you see there is only about half the amount of rvs usually at that camp as it was late in the season and many have gone home.

Two different views from the back of the camper!

Sunshine in the camper in the morning. Pardon me while I have my morning coffee!!

Two weeks parked on a creek bank makes you turn to mush!


Confessions of a Blog Slacker!

Several of my blog readers (O.K. my kids!!) have ragged on me for not blogging anything for so long. Well, it HAS been a long time! It all started with a wonderful little entry I was working of entitled, "Things That Go Bump In The Night" about a bear who played soccer with our ice chest in the mountains while we tried to sleep in the tent at El Porvenir. My photo of my ice chest floating in the creek with bear bite marks on the lid would not post! I left it to get back to later and went on a wonderful three week trip to Colorado and came back with great pictures and some pretty good stuff to blog. BUT my laptop crashed. My laptop is my primary source for blogging because the photos are kept there, the color on the screen was not too dim to see the pictures like my desktop was AND I could not get Picassa to crop pictures on my desktop. Worst of all, I had just too many pictures from Colorado to choose from.

Then life just got too busy! Well, I haven't gotten around to figuring out what laptop to purchase but I switched back to my "itty bitty" computer screen so maybe I can get some stuff posted for my loyal reading...(OK, my kids....who have probably given up even checking it!)

The above photo is one of the two private lakes Phil fished on in Colorado in August!
More on that later....